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From: vvasta (vvasta_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-07 10:58:20

Thanks Dave,
I tried the tools file you sent me, I had to add a couple of lines to
make it compile the threads library, probably you got a newer version
of the compiler and you don't need them:

flags tru64cxx CFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;
flags tru64cxx LINKFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;

also the -x option is not valid on this version but I had to
specify "-x cxx" or I can remove it. If I use the "-std strict_ansi "
complains about a parameter type in tss.cpp, I didn't investigate it.
I had also to add the -newcxx to make -msg_disable option work. Then
I had also to change the archive action like this:

actions updated together piecemeal tru64cxx-Archive-action
  rm -f $(<)
  ar r $(<) $(>) cxx_repository/*

to make it include the cxx_repository without using the -input option
that is not available on my version of ar. I needed also to add the
compatibility includes. There are some differences but would be good
if the version you sent me could be included in the distribution, in
this way when a new boost version is released I need to change only
few things.


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