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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-11 14:37:28

> Why would anyone want pointer arithmetic for a shared_array? ;-)
> I can understand the motivation behind scoped_array (std::vector too
> inefficient, presumably) - although I've never encountered a situation
> std::vector doesn't work adequately.
> But shared_array? Or going even further, a hybrid container/iterator
> shared_array with pointer arithmetic? I find it hard to justify.

Any generic class designed to operate on iterator ranges can be instantiated
with these shared_array jobbies instead; the storage will be reclaimed as
soon as the program is done with it.

It's not that different from what's going on with an iterator over on-disk
objects. Andy Koenig also has a similar useful example of an iterator over
singly-linked list nodes which are reclaimed when they become unreachable.


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