Boost : |
From: Lee Brown (lee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-12 20:09:01
>Of /course/ I am biased, but I find the approach used by
>SmartPtr using five template template parameters to be much more daunting.
How about something less confusing.
struct default_policy_policy {
typedef default_construct_policy construct_policy;
typedef default_copy_policy copy_policy;
typedef default_destruct_policy destruct_policy;
typedef default_assign_policy assign_policy;
typedef generic<default_policy_policy> default_generic;
template<class PolicyPolicy>
class generic {
>In general it it not
>obvious what is better to have SmartPtr parameterized using N Policy
>parameters or SmartPtr parameterized with 1 Policies adaptor, which
>in turn is constructed from N Policies. FWIW you just adding a level
>of indirection.
With indirection comes generality. In this case the generality
comes at compile time. This also addresses some of the policy communication
template<class CheckingPolicy>
struct check_policy_policy {
typedef CheckingPolicy checking_policy;
typedef check_construct<checking_policy> construct_policy;
typedef check_destruct<checking_policy> destruct_policy;
typedef default_copy_policy copy_policy;
typedef default_assign_policy assign_policy;
perhaps we want to make construct/destruct "consistent".
struct con_des_policy {
typedef new_cons_policy construct_policy;
typedef delete_des_policy destruct_policy;
struct con_des_policy_policy {
typedef ConDesPolicy con_des_policy ;
typedef typename con_des_policy::construct_policy construct_policy;
typedef typename con_des_policy::destruct_policy destruct_policy;
typedef default_copy_policy copy_policy;
typedef default_assign_policy assign_policy;
I imagine the combinations are endless. Now the novice programmer can be
exposed to consistent policy groups, while the advanced programmers develope
the consistent groups.
>Practically every programmer uses "simplified" interfaces to many kinds of
>complex systems all the time.
didn't einstein say our understanding of things should be as simple as
but no simpler.
>I think that some of us will follow the discussion much more easily if it
>includes some minimal but compilable examples that illustrate the point.
FWIW: I agree.
>Policies IMO are implementation details,
> while SmartPtr should define an interface.
FWIW: I agree. I can give code as to why as well.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk