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From: Steve M. Robbins (steven.robbins_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-22 02:45:32


I was a little surprised to read that moving CVS tags around
is part of the release procedure. That strikes me as rather
error-prone. It would be too easy to forget to move a tag,
or move it to the wrong version. Then, once you've made this
mistake, how do you revert it?

[Some folks in our lab got burned by similar tag-moving

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 03:12:44PM -0500, Beman Dawes wrote:

> Release Procedure Overview
> * Discussion on the main Boost mailing list to determine the target date for
> initial release tagging of the CVS main trunk.
> * Release manager performs initial release tagging. Subsequent CVS working
> copy updates for the tag retrieve the release candidate.
> * Regression tests run on release candidate.
> * Developers commit and retag fixed files.
> * Repeat previous two steps until release manager is satisfied.
> * Release manager rolls out the actual release.

If you don't mind me saying, a more traditional release procedure
runs like:

1. freeze the main trunk and tag head as a "release candidate 1"
  - no features added until unfrozen
  - developers can create a branch if they want to add features

2. regression testing

3. if not satisfied:
   - fix bugs
   - tag head as release candidate N+1
   - go to 2

4. tag the head and unfreeze trunk

CVS tags are not a limited resource! Just keep adding
release candidate tags as necessary, but never move or remove them.

As a bonus, this scheme allows you to answer the question, "what
changed between RC4 and RC6?" using CVS.


by Rocket to the Moon,
by Airplane to the Rocket,
by Taxi to the Airport,
by Frontdoor to the Taxi,
by throwing back the blanket and laying down the legs ...
- They Might Be Giants

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