Boost : |
From: boost (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-23 02:28:09
On Wednesday 23 January 2002 00:07, hubert_holin wrote:
> Bonsoir
> One can extend the usual definition of vector spaces in
> several ways.
> On the one hand, one can certainely use non-commutative base
> fields. Unfortunately, most of Linear Algebra breaks down in such a
> context (play around with the notion of determinants to see what can
> happen, even with mild-manered beings such as quaternions :-) ).
Well, we 'mad physicists' even use Determinants involving grassmann algebras
( anticommuting beasts ). But linear Algebra get's a "little bit more
involved" then, since you have to introduce some kind of ordering to
keep track of commutations. But if a matrix libraries already takes
care of not changing orders that would be fine.
Note, that I'm not propsing to write an LA-Package for theses things,
just having "+", "-", "*", and operations like transpose() would be fine
for playing with some ideas.
> It is far more fruitfull to use a structure not based upon a
> field, but upon a (commutative) ring, say Z/4Z. These structures are
> usually known as modules and have a rich theory (and applications).
SU(2) would be more fruitful more me, but anyway this refers to the
'fun part', aka 'not so important'.
Best wishes,
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk