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From: Emily Winch (emily_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-28 11:09:14

quendezus said:

> All these persistence libraries are intrusive (you have to use a base
> class). Some of them don't use serialization. They all heavily rely
> on runtime polymorphism. I think a boost persistence library should
> be non intrusive and should use template programming.

External polymorphism would give you the runtime polymorphism without the
intrusiveness. It would be nice to be able to turn that off, though, for
circumstances where the structure is known at compile time: and easily,
since "the structure will be known at compile time" sounds like one of those
things in requirements documents that gets changed when you already wrote
everything :)


Emily Winch, Software Engineer, Teleca Ltd
+44 (0)161 447 6800

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