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From: Maciej Sobczak (maciej_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-30 03:05:03

Hello everybody,

I would like to probe for your possible interest in the utility class I
have written for use with STL sequences.

As a short description, the code implements an interesting data
structure (the 'view') which allows to enrich the STL programmer's
toolbox. The view allows to:

- provide random access to std::lists
- provide effective list operations for std::vectors
- implement the notion of sequences sharing its elements
- sort sequences without moving objects around
- probably more...

The code (with docs and examples) can be downloaded from:

I have tried to do my best so that the code complies to the requirements
of the Standard and the Boost code policies.

Please do not hesitate to share your opinions about the code and its
usefullness, as well as the possibility to make it part of the Boost

Maciej Sobczak

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at