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From: rwgk (rwgk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-30 13:33:26

--- In boost_at_y..., Synge Todo <wistaria_at_i...> wrote:
> Dear Boosters,
> I would like to propose an STL container of fixed capacity but
> variable size.

Looks like many people are reinventing the wheel over and
over again.

My fixcap_vector.h (
appears to be almost identical to the array2.hpp.

Yesterday (!) I did some major work on an "array_family":
  af::tiny_base = boost::array + convenience constructors
  af::small_base = array2.hpp
  af::<not_decided_yet1> = dyn. alloc. with ref. counting, private
size + "accessor" (think multi-dimensional, but more general)
  af::<not_decided_yet2> = dyn. alloc. with ref. counting, shared size

Each xxxx_base has /no/ operators overloaded.
There will be corresponding xxxx with all arithmetic,
logical and boolean operators overloaded for operations
on heterogeneous element types.
There will be tiny_row, tiny_column, tiny_matrix (all
based on tiny_base) and corresponding dynamically allocated
types with operators for matrix algebra.

I'd love to contribute the results to boost when they
are available. If anybody is interested to help out
that would be great.


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