Boost : |
From: danl_miller (danl_miller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 20:42:54
--- In boost_at_y..., "mfdylan" <dylan_at_m...> wrote:
> --- In boost_at_y..., "danl_miller" <danl_miller_at_b...> wrote:
> > as: "The storage classes in C++ are static, auto, register, and
> > volatile except that auto is weird in that it also is combinable
> with
> > other storage classes (i.e. the true storage classes) to have
> > non-storage-class behavior."
> volatile is not a storage class, it's a cv-qualifier like const.
> And in fact in C you could also omit the storage class and specify
> just the cv-qualifier:
> main()
> {
> volatile i = 0;
> const j = 0;
> }
> If we allowed this for the proposed implicit typing scheme then
> void foo(std::string s)
> {
> const t = s.c_str();
> ...
> }
> Would the type of t be const char* or const char* const? (I would
> have thought the latter).
Good point. My gaff stimulated something productive. I amend my
previous attempt to redirect the auto proposal away from merely auto.
Instead of considering the type-implied-by-initialization language
feature to be triggered by the presence of auto, let's consider the
type-implied-by-initialization language feature to be triggered by the
presence of a storage-class and/or cv-qualifier without the rest of
the type. Reworking my prior troublesome examples:
> void fooNonconstNonconst()
> {
> int i = 11;
> int j = 3;
> auto hmmm1 = i+j; // const? or noncost?
> ++hmmm1; // legal? or illegal?
> }
which would become:
void fooNonconstNonconst()
int i = 11;
int j = 3;
const hmmm1_a = i+j; // definitely constant
auto hmmm1_b = i+j; // nonconst variable by lack of const
auto const hmmm1_c = i+j; // definitely constant
++hmmm1_b; // definitely legal
Likewise consider:
> void fooConstConst()
> {
> const int x = 12;
> const int y = 4;
> auto hmmm2 = x+y; // const? or noncost?
> ++hmmm2; // legal? or illegal?
> }
which would become:
void fooConstConst()
const int x = 12;
const int y = 4;
const hmmm2_a = x+y; // definitely constant
auto hmmm2_b = x+y; // nonconst variable by lack of const
auto const hmmm2_c = x+y; // definitely constant
++hmmm2_b; // definitely legal
Likewise consider:
> void fooConstNonconst()
> {
> const int p = 13;
> int q = 5;
> auto hmmm3 = p+q; // const? or noncost?
> ++hmmm3; // legal? or illegal?
> }
which would become:
void fooConstNonconst()
const int p = 13;
int q = 5;
const hmmm3_a = p+q; // definitely constant
auto hmmm3_b = p+q; // nonconst variable by lack of const
auto const hmmm3_c = p+q; // definitely constant
++hmmm3_b; // definitely legal
As we can see, all of the troublesome cases which my prior email
mentioned are cured with the adjustment where the type-deduction does
not transfer the rvalue's storage-class to the lvalue nor transfer the
rvalue's cv-qualifier to the lvalue. The proposed
type-implied-by-initialization language feature would be limited to:
A) transferring the simple-type-specifier from rvalue to lvalue
B) not transferring the storage class from rvalue to lvalue:
mutable, register, auto, static, extern
C) transferring only the cv-qualifiers of the types pointed to by
pointers or referenced by references (not transferring the
cv-qualifier present or implied by the pointer or reference address).
For example:
C1) transferring the const on the following because it is not the
pointer's address which is constant but rather the characters in the
array are constant
void foo()
const char* c = "CONSTANT";
volatile v = c; // c is type auto const char*
// but v is of type auto const char* volatile
// where the const is required, otherwise
// the constant string literal "CONSTANT"
// would be modifiable if v were to be
// incorrectly implied to be of type
// auto char* volatile
C2) not transferring the const on the following because it is the
reference's address which is constant but rather the integer's value
is permitted to change
void bar( int parm_ )
int& r = parm_;
auto p = &r; // &r is a constant address/pointer
// but p is implied to be of type int*
// where the constantness of the reference's
// address (a natural property of references)
// does not cause p to be constant. If one
// wanted p's address to be constant, then
// the expressivity is there as shown by pc:
auto const pc = &r;
Enhancing content from my prior email, the concept of a declaration
becomes one of the following (in simplified colloquial grammar):
1) storage-class type identifier and so forth
e.g., the existing
static int foo;
auto float bar;
2) storage-class cv-qualifier type identifier and so forth
e.g., the existing
extern const float pi;
static volatile int* asicRegister;
3) type identifier and so forth
e.g., the existing
int foo;
float bar;
4) storage-class identifier and so forth
e.g., the proposed
auto fooNonconst = "example";
for a nonconst pointer to constant char array but also
static barNonconst = 3.1415F
for a variable float
5) storage-class cv-qualifier identifier and so forth
e.g., the proposed
auto volatile fooVolatile = "initial string";
for a volatile pointer to constant char array but also
static const barConst = 3.1415F
for a constant float
(BTW, my now-fortuitous gaff was that I knew there were historically
4 storage classes---oops, now 5 nowadays including mutable. In my
tight time-period that I had to get all of those thoughts out, my
brain glommed onto volatile as the 4th storage class instead of
> Also it's not clear whether specifying the storage class after the
> qualifier is allowed (Comeau online gives a warning).
> extern is the other storage class, which can only be used to
> initialise a variable outside of block scope.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk