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From: Anthony Williams (anthony.williamsNOSPAM_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-02 04:14:49
Victor A. Wagner, Jr. writes:
> when the sex of the entity is unknown, in English the male pronouns shall
> be used.
And my wife thinks it laughable whenever she sees articles on computer-related
topics refer to an unknown programmer or user as "she". To do so is just
incorrect, unless it is intended that the unknown person is female, and
demonstrates the silly extremes that people go to as a consequence of
Political Correctness.
However, I agree with Dave that when discussing a particular, named,
individual who's gender is unknown, it makes sense to be polite and not make
-- Anthony Williams Senior Software Engineer, Beran Instruments Ltd. Remove NOSPAM when replying, for timely response.
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