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From: Yitzhak Sapir (yitzhaks_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-08 06:52:14

The date/time library provides several implementations of date/time string conversion. Unfortunately, none of these include formatted date/time conversions. In trying to duplicate the functionality of VarFormat for dates, I can do so (relatively) easily only in one way (from date to string), since each date component provides the necessary to string conversion functions. But I can't construct a greg_month (which is undocumented in the main documentation, btw), from a string. The short/long strings are declared privately and so I must duplicate this functionality (and constant strings) if I want to implement formatted input. While I could duplicate it (cut/paste), I don't think I should need to. I think greg_month/greg_day/greg_year should all export from_short_string, from_long_string, from_char, etc.

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