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From: Roland Richter (roland_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-17 09:25:51

Dear all,

today I imported another set of files to Sandbox CVS,
this time something I'd like to call 'tupples' (yes, two p's).

+ What is it?

You all know Boost.Tuples (with one 'p'), right?
Well, tupples is almost the same, only different.

There are two major differences:

1) I wanted to use tuples of (STL) containers and iterators
    such that a tuple of containers appears as a container
    of tuples, etc. For all of you who are familiar with views:
    that's necessary to implement a generalization of zip_view.

2) The mechanism behind the scene is completely different.
    While Boost.Tuples relies on tricky template-metaprogramming,
    the code for tupples is generated with the help of the
    Boost.Preprocessor library. That's a brute-force
    approach, and by the way the reason for the double 'pp'.

Apart from that, I tried to design the whole library
to be as close as possible to Boost.Tuple.

+ What next?

David A. Greene recently brought up the issue of iterating
through all elements of a tuple. Might be worth some thoughts ...

Comments are appreciated, as always.

- Roland

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