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From: Matthias Troyer (troyer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-20 02:32:12

> A couple more questions.
> I'm afraid I don't have the time or expertise to create a full C++
> compiler (tho it would be interesting to try using Spirit). If I were
> to
> base a reflection framework on PDT, its parser and toolset comes as
> binaries for the following platforms:
> alpha
> apple
> hp9000s700
> linux
> rs6000
> sgi32
> sgin32
> sgi64
> solaris2
> hitachi
> Windows
> t3e
> The actual PDT reflection library is open-source and portable. Would
> this be acceptable for submission to Boost?

For us this would not be useful, since i) we run Boost-based codes also
on platforms other than those listed above and ii) we use different
compilers with incompatible object- file formats. Thus only fully
open-source libraries are useful for us.


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