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From: Ed Brey (brey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-27 00:00:11

The formal review for the updated Boost I/O Library begins today and runs through March 7.

The I/O library contains various components for use with the standard I/O library. The components are as follows:
  State-saving classes for various IOStream attributes.
  Class templates to ease making streams off a new stream-buffer class.
  Stream and stream-buffer class (templates) that use an internal array.
  Additional I/O manipulator function (templates).

The stream buffer classes are new and deserve primary attention in this review.

You can obtain the latest version of the library from the CVS sandbox. For web access to the library, use this URLs:

Please state in review comments how you reviewed the library and whether the you think the library should be accepted into Boost. Further guidelines for writing reviews can be found on the website at:

Ed (Review Manager)

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at