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From: Bjorn.Karlsson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-03-07 02:50:22

> From: Dave Gomboc [mailto:dave_at_[hidden]]
> Yeah, I was aware that work had been done on it, but as of a couple of
> days ago CVS had no change to lexical_cast.hpp, which is what
> prompted me
> to write my original query. Could whoever did the update
> please commit it
> to CVS?

Kevlin Henney, the author of lexical_cast, is currently reviewing and
brushing up some minor details in the proposal by Terje Slettebo
( It should only be a day or two before the CVS will
contain the new version. I know that people have been waiting a _really_
long time for this to happen, and as has been stated before, the changes
will be part of 1.30.0. To all of you who've been waiting, thanks for your

Bjorn Karlsson

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