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From: Schalk_Cronje_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-04-08 10:14:24

I hate to have to bring these kind of things onto the list. Our legal department has gone through the licenses in the header files and have issues with two modules - dynamic_bitset and preprocessor. Both cases are related to the fact that below the copyright message lines such as

        // With optimizations, bug fixes, and improvements by Gennaro Prota.
        # /* Revised by Paul Mensonides (2002) */

appear. They have an issue with the fact in both cases the person in question did not add an additional copyright message. Now, I am at odds and ends here as I am not a legal expert, but I am of the opinion that the legal department is wrong in this case. Can someone shed some light on this?

Schalk W. Cronjé

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