Boost : |
From: Vygis D. (vygis_d_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-11 09:53:21
My work on geometrical lib is evolving and finally I found out that
programming is so much fun <chuckle>. Credits to Jaap Suter, he has done a
wonderful work on geometrical algebra library although I don't know whether
it's keep going. Would be nice to hear something from him.
About two months ago, I did propose homogeneous vectors/matrices library to
boost and there was a little discussion about it. Idea is still good, I
think. Although some things should be clarified. I think that implementing
euclidean n dimensional library would not be that constructive when
Clifford algebra library is proposed to boost (and I _hope_ that proposal
will be accepted). Clifford library is so much more general.
The issues I see: 1) not all programmers have enough mathematical knowledge
and learning curve seems to be too steep (actually, I remember a
conversation with one 3d programmer who just asked "what a hell can I do
with that bivector?!" <not edited>); 2) Clifford algebra library does not
provide anything related with modeling and visualization of polygonal mesh
surfaces (in general, I mean desciption of geometric primitives in the terms
of geometrical algebra).
Seems like there's some <grumph...> work to do (and that's what I've been
working on recently).
Also I want to ask whether OpenGL wrap-includes could be included to boost?
e.g., #include <boost/gl/opengl.hpp>?
On some systems include paths and required preincluded files (if any)
differ. Would be nice to have a unified version of this.
Is anyone interested? After all graphics and visualization is not the most
unimportant thing that computers do.
Justinas V.D.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk