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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-13 10:20:44

At 09:25 AM 7/13/2003, David Abrahams wrote:
>"Joel de Guzman" <djowel_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>> "Joel de Guzman" <djowel_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>>> Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>>>> >> In the main CVS? iterator-categories.html is still dated several

>>>>> >> ago. Or am I looking in the wrong place?
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I guess so. Why would I be editing a document in the multi_array
>>>>> I was talking about
>>>>> committed July 7 by Joel. That is the document I was expecting to
>>>>> updated.
>>> Oh, I never saw that. Joel, it's inconvenient to have the .html file
>>> with a different name from the .rst file. Is there any reason we
>>> can't change that so they're both named
>> I didn't put those. Those files were taken from the sandbox as-is.
>I'm gonna remove them from the CVS then. I don't think I want the
>HTML for those papers checked in, just the source. We can always
>link to the versions I keep up-to-date on my site from the actual
>library docs when we write them.

Ouch! HTML is the Boost standard. I work offline (with no connection
available) a great deal, and want the docs in the CVS working directory.


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