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From: Bill Seymour (bill-at-the-office_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-15 11:10:04

Fernando Cacciola wrote:
> OK.
> So, correct me if I'm wrong:
> For any given decimal with some int_type, a 'digits' constant is
> associated with it which comes from numeric_limits<int_type>::digits10.
> This constant identifies the maxium number of digits (in both the
> whole and fractional parts) that any such decimal can represent.

Right, it's the /precision/ (the total number of representable
digits). Consider, for example, numeric_limits<int>::digits10
on an implementation with 32-bit ints. This value will be 9
because all 9-digit values are representable. There will also
be some some 10-digit values that are representable (if the MSD
is in [-2,2]).

> Thus numeric_limits<decimal>::digits and digits10 are equal to
> this constant.

Yes, and the two values are equal to each other because
numeric_limits<decimal>::radix is 10.

> The scale 's' given by the user specifies the desired number of
> decimal digits.

I would say "digits to the right of the decimal point". (Digits
to the left of the point I would also call "decimal" because
they're base-10.)

> It cannot be > '(digits-1'), ...

Yes, the scale can be equal to the precision (which I believe is
what you're calling "digits"); but then, in general, there won't be
any digits to the left of the point. (As with the example above
with numeric_limits<int>::digits10, there could be one valid digit
to the left of the point if it's not too large.)

> I'd put a description like the one above in the docs so that the
> limit on total number of digits and its relation with the scale
> is well documented.


> >
> > Why? [can't decimal be unbounded]
> >
> Because it has a constant max_scale.

Ah, so. Yes, I see that now. Good catch.

> >
> > I don't see this. If int_type just wraps around on overflow,
> > then why wouldn't the decimal type itself do the same?
> Because decimal has its own arithmetic.
> For instance, would decimal::add/mul wrap around even if
> int_type would?

Yes, I think you're right about that. OK, is_bounded should be true
and is_modulo should be false. I'll fix that.

Re the max_val, min_val and max_scale constants: there was some
reason that I wanted them to be constant expressions. I'll reconsider
that; but I don't want to promise a change right now.

Re construction from unsigned int: I think you gave a good reason
to allow it. I'm pretty busy at my day job right now, so I can't
promise a quick change; but I agree with you.

> If the concept of 'digits' is formalized, alon with its relation
> to 'scale', then this statement could simply say that "The conversion
> will be exact if the string contains no more than 'digits()' digits
> (whole and/or decimal)"

I don't think that's right. I can assign 123.45 to a decimal with
a scale of 2 without rounding. Do I misunderstand what you're

--Bill Seymour

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