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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-15 15:41:01

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 19:19:08 +0200, Thomas Witt wrote
> David Abrahams wrote:
> > Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_[hidden]> writes:
> >
> > When we released 1.30.0, despite extensive pre-release testing, it
> > went out with several prominent showstopper bugs. Don't you think
> > we'll make the same mistake for 1.31.0? Also, AFAICT 1.30.1 can go
> > out much, much sooner.
> >
> I agree with Dave here. To me there is another good reason for doing
> minor releases more frequently. Neither the next major release nor
> the CVS state is likely to help most of the people who use Boost in
> their projects.
> I guess that there are a lot of projects out there that cannot allow
> for an interface change in one of the core libs every couple of
> month. So they really need bugfix only releases if showstopper bugs
> are found in the last release.

I agree with with the idea of a minor release to fix critical nasty bugs.
My list from 1.30.0 would be:
  1) Lexical cast fix that went in shortly after 1.30 was released
  2) Missing change html file in date-time linked from main page (fixed on
web, but not install package)
  3) The change you'all have been discussing.

By selecting only a small set of critical changes the lead up to the release
should be very quick. Adding new libraries, major interface changes etc mean
it will take weeks before we are really ready for a release.


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