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From: Daniel Frey (d.frey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-15 16:38:12

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:26:43 +0200, David Abrahams wrote:

> What does everybody think about doing a 1.30.1 release "RSN?"

I think it's too late, let's go for a 1.31.0. I think that we'll hear
about problems with the 1.31.0 really soon after release and probably a
1.31.1 can follow shortly after. For 1.30.0, we IMHO missed the
opportunity do to a 1.30.1 without lots of pain/work. As Beman already
said there is too much in CVS to "backport" it to a 1.30.1. The question
is, whether we learn from it for a 1.31.1 :)

My 2 cents...

Regards, Daniel

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