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From: Jonathan D. Turkanis (commerce_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-17 12:18:26

Thank you for your interest.

"Paul A. Bristow" <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Sadly the test program fails to compile MSVC 7.1 as indicated below:
> basic_string_source(const string_type& source)
> : base_type(member.begin(), member.end())
> Looks as though it should be source.begin() but that doesn't compile
> There are also zillions of warnings

I've fixed the error you spotted. I also changed the code to use the new
iterator adapters. I was not able to reproduce all your warnings, however.
I've included an MSVC 7.1 project in the build directory (you'll have to
adjust the include path for boost.) Please let me know if you still have

> Suggestions?
> It would be nice if a working example of a filter was provided too -
perhaps one
> of the James Kanze examples like 'expand tabs to spaces'. Or is this an
> exercise for the student?

You're right. Good industrial strength examples would be compressing with
zlib or some serious XML formatting, which I have been thinking of
providing. I'll try to put up some simple examples soon -- possibly
translations of some of Kanze's examples.

I'll also write a test program which uses all the library features, to catch
most of the errors like the one you found (I don't see how I was ever able
to compile the test.)

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