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From: Misha Bergal (mbergal_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-18 04:04:30

Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
> Martin Wille wrote:
>>> Please, don't! If you have the prerequisits installed, setting up a
>>> step to produce the new-format reports should take about 15 minutes,
>>> and they are way much more informative.
>> I've got Python and OpenJade installed. So, I'm ready to run your
>> scripts.
>Great! We'll check them in later today and post a notice here.

They are in the cvs main trunk boost/tools/regression/xsl_reports. You
probably won't see them there for about 23 hours, so we also put the archive
on our web site:

I don't think OpenJade supports XSLT, I suggest you use Xalan, which is
available from

We use python 2.2 on win32, so you might encounter some issues due to
platform differences. Please let us know how it goes.

Misha Bergal
MetaCommunications Engineering

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