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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-18 14:06:19

Doug Gregor fixed a Boost.Signals snafu a few hours ago, and a fresh set of
Win32 regression tests is up at

This round of tests is noteworthy because for the first time in memory 100%
of the tests are passing for a compiler. True, it's only for one compiler
(VC++ 7.1), but nonetheless it represents a lot of progress in closing out
some pesky Boost bugs and/or issues.

This doesn't mean that Boost code is totally error free. VC++ 7.1 is
sometimes over permissive. Some of the other compilers are pickier, as they
should be. Some failures are caused by compiler or standard library bugs.

Regardless, it's a nice feeling to see that 100% - thanks to everyone who
has been working on reducing test failures.


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