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From: John Madsen (johnmadsen_usenet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-18 17:21:26

Gregory Colvin <gregory.colvin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>On Friday, Jul 18, 2003, at 15:21 America/Denver, John Madsen wrote:
>> "Eugene Lazutkin" <eugene.lazutkin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>> I have a few comments in no particular order.
>>> 1) I cannot imaging someone programming in C++ and using "FILE*s,and
>>> file
>>> descriptors" instead of iostream & Co. You've must be talking about
>>> incomplete systems like embedded systems, which don't have complete
>>> standard
>>> C++ library. Are there any real life examples for that? How frequent
>>> are
>>> they?
>> That's quite right. I don't see much use in having a wrapper for
>> FILE*.
>IMHO stdio is a useful standard, and for some purposes is better than
>Of course, boost::shared_ptr can already wrap FILE* pretty easily.

Yes, shared_ptr can wrap a FILE*, but I think there are many good reasons why
shared_ptr and family are not a good general solution for handle management.
See my original message at


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