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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-20 18:34:30

Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
> Hi all,
> There is a new version of the Wave C++ preprocessor library available
> (V0.9.3). This release addresses two different goals.
> 1. The Wave libary has a new C++0x mode, which implements the recently
> proposed additions to the C++ preprocessor (see here:
> and here:
> In short
> this mode
> - adds variadics and placemarkers to C++ as standardized in the C99
> language
> - adds macro scopes as proposed by Paul Mensonides (slightly changed
> after heavy discussions with Paul)
> - adds well defined token-pasting of unrelated tokens as proposed by
> Paul Mensonides
> - adds the __comma__, __lparen__ and __rparen__ alternative pp tokens as
> proposed by Vesa Karvonen
> You may want to read about the details of this features in the Wave
> documentation, which is found inside the distributive or online here:
> 2. For all other features it is merely a maintanance release, which
> fixes certain bugs and adds minor features.
> The Wave preprocessor library has shown to be very stable and Standards
> conformant now. It is able to compile the strict pp-lib (currently
> prepared for release by Paul Mensonides) and the Order library recently
> published by Vesa Karvonen. Besides Wave there is currently only one
> preprocessor, which is able to compile both libraries: gcc.


> Any comments would be very appreciated.

Can we have something like Raoul Gough's C++ lambda preprocessor
( as a part of Wave? As a
motivation factor, one might consider a possible effect of the feature on
increasing Wave's user base :).


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