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From: John Madsen (johnmadsen_usenet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-21 23:27:09

"Eugene Lazutkin" <eugene_lazutkin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>"John Madsen" <johnmadsen_usenet_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>> If you can convince most of the people on this list to provide an
>> conversion, more power to you. I still maintain that avoiding hard to
>> errors is worth much more than saving 6 characters of typing.
>I am not trying to convince anybody in overall goodness of automatic
>conversion. :-) I am asking question, which is still ignored: what "hard to
>diagnose errors" do you envision for smart handles??? Reference to some
>dogma would suffice too. ;-)
>> For a discussion of why user defined conversions are a bad idea (not
>> but most of the time), see More Effective C++, Item 5.
>I've read it when it was printed. I know author's reasons. And I agree with
>most of them. The question is: how do they apply in _this particular case_?

I am not ignoring the question. The point is that it is hard to guess what
errors might occur. I did reference some dogma as well. I take Meyers' point
to be that automatic conversions can sometimes produce surprising effects.
Those effects may result in code that does something other than what it appears
to do. Thus, *unless there is a very good reason*, avoid automatic
conversions. That is what I did. Your reason for including them, i.e.,
avoiding typing, does not strike me as a good one.


P.S. Of course, if you want Scott Meyers on your side in this one, just look
at Item 9 in the same book, where he does exactly what you're suggesting :-).
Against his own better judgment IMHO.

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