Boost : |
From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-28 13:49:35
> Uh. I would not recommend inheriting from STL. I
> think that template
> policies would be rather more appropriate solution:
I agree with that.
> myWindow.create_widget<mylistbox>
Just a note.
Ideally, the library won't have to deal with the
numeric control ID's. You create a widget object and
from now on you use the object's pointer/reference to
access it (no need for an ID). One exception would be
dialog boxes. Usually resource files are ID-based so
we'll probably need to use the ID's.
boost::gui::dialog<> dlg(IDD_HELLO);
boost::gui::edit* hello_edit(
dlg.get<boost::gui::edit>(IDC_EDIT_HELLO) );
Under the covers the get function would do something
like this:
template< typename T, typename ID = int >
T* dlg::get( ID id )
dlg::const_iterator it;
for( it = begin(); it < end(); ++it )
if( it->getid() == id )
return static_cast<T*>( *it );
return NULL;
It'd be nice to get rid of numeric id's completely.
Any ideas?
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