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From: Joel de Guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-01 13:07:47

David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> "Joel de Guzman" <djowel_at_[hidden]> writes:

>> I'd like to add Spirit 1.6.1 (a bug fix release) to Boost 1.30.1.
>> There are no new features in 1.6.1, just bug fixes. Here are
>> the list of bug fixes.


>> I am about to commit Spirit 1.6.1 to the RC_1_30_0 but wanted to
>> ask anyway.
> Thanks for asking. Normally, I'd say absolutely not. We announced
> we were starting this release a while back and said that there would
> be only minimal changes required to fix bugs which could reasonably
> be applied in a week. That week is long past.
> However, since, like Boost.Python, Spirit doesn't appear in the
> regression tests (we've got to fix that) and no libraries depend on it
> (right?), you can't hurt the regression results by upgrading Spirit to
> 1.6.1. You may proceed if you can do it in an hour or less.

Commencing. I should be finished in a couple of minutes. Actually,
the bug fixes we're done and 1.6.1 was released before the announcement.
The release has been thoroughly tested. I'm confident the commit will not
hurt anything. Thanks for the consideration.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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