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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-02 14:13:54

--- Rainer Deyke <rainerd_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> For a GUI library to be useful to me, it would need
> to support custom
> physical GUI layers. I would then write my own
> full-screen multimedia. I
> realize that my needs are unusual, and boost::gui
> may be unable to
> accomodate them.

It seems strange to me, why are you willing to give up
on your requirements. What is so unusual about them? I
believe boost::gui must accomodate them and it can.
Your requirements are very reasonable IMHO.

> Nonetheless I also dislike the idea of
> PhysicalGUILayer as a template
> parameter to all GUI elements.

PhysicalGUILayer is great for your requirements. Why
do you dislike it?

> It violates the
> principle of Once and Only
> Once.

You can use a default template parameter for the
PhysicalGUILayer and define it only once in your

> NativePhysicalGUILayer should be one of the
> options). That way the actual structure of the GUI
> does not depend on the
> physical GUI layer, and the physical GUI layer can
> even be selected at
> runtime.

Exactly my point.
Thanks for your post. Finally we have a set of
requirements from someone who is doing custom GUI
development. IMO boost::gui must be able to
accomodate them.


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