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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-06 16:41:54

--- Brock Peabody <brock.peabody_at_[hidden]>
> I think now we need to decide which
> *nix GUI API to use
> and get started on a proof of concept.

I am currently working with win32 only. I can take
care of this one. I think it'll be nice to have
support for X as well.

> Maybe we should decide which elements of the layer 1
> API to implement
> first. What do you think about: window, button,
> edit, and static_text?
> We can get a simple sub-language running on top of
> those few controls
> quickly enough.

I think it'll be nice to include a container like
control like list/tree control to demonstrate how they
could be linked to STL iterators.

I was thinking about starting to work on on the layer
2 design first. The idea is to design the layer 2 the
way we'd like it to be first. It'll provide a set of
natural requirements for layer 1. Using these
requirement, we'll try to design the layer 1
traits/polices. Then we review it and decide whether
it could be implemented on win32/X platform. If it
doesn't work, we'll revisit the layer 2 design again
and correct the layer 1 requirements. I'd suggest a
recursive design procedure. :)

I think we'll have to establish some basic
design/implemntation polices/idioms.
1. For instance how we handle memory allocations, are
we going to use std::allocator idiom or just
2. Is the library thread-safe or not.
3. Event handling polices (send/post, etc.).


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