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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-06 18:07:35
--- Brock Peabody <brock.peabody_at_[hidden]>
> cycle or two of our recursive (I thought they called
> it iterative?)
They do call it iterative. However in the C++ world
iteration is like enumeration while recursion is a
process where typically the input for the next call is
derived from the result of the current call. So I
called it recursive design just for fun. :)
Yes, it is iterative design. Thanks.
> (2) I'd say the library should be no less thread
> safe than the
> underlying API. Some APIs may be inherently
> thread-unsafe (MFC for
> instance).
Does it mean that the library should be thread safe
because an underlying API could be multi- threaded? I
think there are two options.
1. The layer 1 must appear as one threaded API that
has a message queue (ala win32). In other words all
calls from layer 1 to a library object has to be done
in the context of the thread that created the object
(ala win32).
2. The layer 1 can call a library object in the
context of an internal thread.
What option do think is better? I think this issuse
will have a significant impact on our design.
> (3) Use function objects ala boost::function<>?
Sorry, I meant. Do we need to be able to send
messages at layer 1/2 (ala SendMessage/PostMessage)?
I don't think we need it at all, everything could be a
function call?
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