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From: Philippe A. Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-06 22:18:01

Brock Peabody wrote:


> I think you are right though, there may be some situations where you
> need some sort of priorities, or the ability to say "both of these
> windows share any extra space, but the first one gets twice as much".

_The fastest way to write a GUI application is to draw some scheme by hand
and programming it then after._

A visual interface is so slow sometimes when you have to resize a button
group of 120 buttons, reorder the tab sequence, use new fonts, redefine
standard margins, etc. This is too much technical. Those caracteristics
should have their own defaults and you should be able to define new values
to subgroups or child containers (toolbars, iconic view, etc.).

A spacer could be used also to simulate an invisible widget taking space. I
also agree that proportionnal dimension properties of the layout manager
could be added, it would be really great to say: I want to use 1/3 - 2/3 for
2 widgets horizontally or 3/5 - 1/5 - 1/5 for my 3 columns, etc.


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