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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-07 21:55:16

--- "Philippe A. Bouchard" <philippe_at_[hidden]>

Here are some of my postings on the name and project

Brock and I liked the Notus (god of the south wind)

BTW Brock said that he is in!

I'll be working on setting up the Notus (code name)
project on sf tomorrow. I think that I've got some
solid ideas on the basic design (I have been thinking
on the design for a while before I posted the idea to
the boost list and this discussion helped me
immensely). I'll present it on the project's site and
we can discuss it there. I won't be able to pull it
off by myself in a reasonable ammount of time. Hope
you guys will join. Brock, Philippe, everyone
interested, are we up to this challenge?

Anyway, now is your last chance to change the project
code name or convince me that the whole idea is just
plain stupid. ;)


Don't know where to start...
Greek and Roman mythology?
'Aquilo' the north wind, the ruler of the winds.
'Notus' the south wind
'Flora' goddess of flowers and spring.
'Arcadia' a district of the Peloponnesus, the home of
pastoral simplicity.


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