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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-12 11:47:05

Martin Wille <mw8329_at_[hidden]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Martin Wille writes:
>>>a couple of libraries are regressing for gcc-2.95.3/Linux:
>>> date_time
>>> graph
>>> iterator
>>> multi_array
>>> numeric/interval
>>> numeric/ublas (only with stlport)
>>> random
>>> variant
>>>Are those libraries supposed to support gcc-2.95?
>> iterator is. I think graph is also.
>> Where are you posting these results? I see no 2.95 regressions at
> That is for the RC_1_30_0.
> The results for CVS HEAD can be found at:
> PS: The number of messages with "1.31" in the subject line but
> discussing the 1.30.2 release is confusing. I suggest to
> change the subject when continuing the respective threads.

Yep, that was what got me.

BTW, all the failures in the iterator library are new tests, and
expected due to compiler bugs, and thus non-regressions, except
*possibly* for the reverse_iterator/gcc-3.1 failure. That's why we
need a better display which clearly delineates new tests and
compilers from real regressions.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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