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From: Drazen DOTLIC (Drazen.Dotlic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-13 11:36:08

> You can use the parts independently
> There is no install required
> You have the complete code, you include the appropriate header!

Yes, for the 'header-only' libraries, filesystem library is not one of
> Boost isn't like most 3rd party libraries in the sense of a dll (or
> similar) which you download or build and then have to ship
> and an API to
> use it.
> You have the complete code so you can use it as if it was your own!

In this case, one would need to either statically link to filesystem lib
(if(!) static library is one of the targets of the jamfile) or to link
to DLLs (which are for sure produced by jamfile). I would personally
always go with DLLs (if we are talking about Windows platform), and
building filesystem to DLLs with provided jamfiles is really easy...


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