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From: Samuel Krempp (krempp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-14 11:04:29

le Jeudi 14 Août 2003 16:56, dave_at_[hidden] écrivit :

> I think we should fix it.
> The fix is pretty easy; just add
> <intel-linux><*><runtime-link>static

ok, except it's the opposite (static for metrowerks, dynamic for the rest)

I could put that in my tests/Jamfile, but I guess the regression tests are
done using fancy toolset names (cwpro8, etc..) and thus wont match

> to the requirements. Alternatively, you could use something like:
> local rtlink = <runtime-link>static
> if $(NT)
> {
> rtlink = <runtime-link>dynamic
> }
> and then add $(rtlink) to the target requirements. This is a bit more
> reliable because we have a proliferation of very specific toolset
> names at this point (i.e. it might not match "metrowerks" or
> "intel-linux").

I'm not sure to understand this one.
it will make linking static except on windows NT toolsets, right ?

that's not really what I need. I'd like to have dynamic everywhere, except
for metrowerks. (oh, and maybe this is no longer even needed for current
metrowerks, I've updated my tests/Jamfile in the trunk to remove
static-linking requirement, and I'll check the HEAD regression results

Would it be possible to define somekind of a
"needs_static-rt_when_using_locale" variable in metrowerks toolsets, which
I could then check for in format tests's Jamfile ?


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