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From: Ross Smith (rosss_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-14 16:20:14

Aleksandr Golovanov wrote:
> "Ross Smith" <rosss_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> news:bher8m$gnq$
>>Aleksandr Golovanov wrote:
>>>Yesterday, I ran into a small problem, lexical_cast accepts copy instead of
>>>(const)? reference to a source. I have a class which I would prefer to be
>>>noncopyable and castable with laxical_cast at the same time.
>>Wrap the object in boost::cref().
> Unfortunately, cref won't work because lexical_cast propagates the source
> type as a template parameter to various helper/standard templates:

You're wrong; it works perfectly well. I tried it before I posted the

Ross Smith ...................... Pharos Systems, Auckland, New Zealand
            "Remember when we told you there was no future?
                    Well, this is it." -- Blank Reg

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