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From: Martin Wille (mw8329_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-15 14:31:38

David Abrahams wrote:

> Samuel Krempp <krempp_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>Unfortunately, I left home again and I'd have a hard time commiting
>>changes to the boost cvs where I am now.
>>can you please make the changes to
>>$Boost/libs/format/tests/Jamfile and commit ?
>>oh, and while you're at it,
>> the ios_state regression tests need the same treatment, and I think
>> they are launched via
>>$Boost/status/Jamfile.. ;-)
>>That would probably fix the 2 intel-linux-7.1 regressions and
>>hopefully allow for 1.30.2 release..
> OK, I did it. If we could have one more round of RC_1_30_0
> regression testing I would be very appreciative. Thanks.

Done. The only remaining regression on Linux is for
crc_test and gcc 3.1/gcc 3.2.3.


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