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From: Daniel Frey (daniel.frey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-19 05:36:55

Daniel Spangenberg wrote:
> Since I see strong activities in overworking parts of the documentation,
> I
> would like to remember the open question concerning the help text
> section
> "Separate, Explicit Instantiation"
> [...]
> among the "discussees" I think, that we can be assume, that the current
> text proposes a non-standard feature and should be either removed or
> declared as "non-portable".
> If you don't think that this statement holds true, please clarify why.

You are correct. It's on my ToDo-list and I will take care of it along
with some other changes that I would like to make to the documentation
(mostly restructuring). Currently, my time doesn't permit much work on
it, but if you'd like to speed things up, I suggest you supply a patch
for it. Otherwise, I guess you have to wait at least until October :)

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey
aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: daniel.frey_at_[hidden], web:

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