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From: Paul Hamilton (paul_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-24 21:32:51

I love bjam, but still find that I am caught up with a lot of my old
"make" knowledge that doesn't seem to apply.

In a make file, I could have this:

moc_widgets.cpp: $(MOC) widgets.h
        $(MOC) widgets.h -o moc_widgets.cpp

Which would run "$(MOC)", outputting the file called "moc_widgets.cpp",
which I could then include in another rule to build an exe etc.

What is the bjam equivalent of this?

I took a look at "UserObject", but implies that I need a special
extension for my "mocable" file (which isn't the case).


Paul Hamilton
pHamtec P/L - Software Makers

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