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From: Gregory Colvin (gregory.colvin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-27 13:25:08

On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 11:48 America/Denver, E. Gladyshev wrote:
> --- Gregory Colvin <gregory.colvin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> They are currently customizable either by modification of the
>> shared_count source or specialization of sp_counted_base_impl.
> Is it documented?

No. "Use the Source, Luke."

> If I modify the source or specialize sp_counted_base_impl,
> will I have to distribute my custrom boost to
> my template library users?

Yes for modification, no for specialization.

> Will I have to implement and test my modification all over again
> for each boost release?

If the details of shared_ptr change then you may need to change
your code. You will need to retest for new releases regardless.

I agree that these approaches are not ideal, but they could solve
your immediate problem, and help us get the experience we need to
consider whether and how to improve future releases.

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