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From: Dick.Bridges_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-08-29 10:58:15

I'm just a lurker/user, but speaking from the perspective of someone who
writes code that uses boost that customers compile, defaulting to *BOTH*
single and MT would sure make my life easier. IMHO, the extra build time
may be important to silicon-based life forms, but eliminating the learning,
explanation and maintenance that falls to various carbon units involved
would more than make up for it. Maybe default=both for 1_31_0?

<intended-to-be-humorous level='mild'>
Besides, everyone knows that it's the apps that are important and are
compiled over and over - this is JUST THE LIBRARY that makes it work!


> >
> Agreed. Still, this doesn't imply you shouldn't _also_ provide
> multi-threaded libs by default. I mean, what is it to you if
> there's libboost_filesystem_mt.a,, etc. for
> multi threading, while you can simply use -lboost_regex when
> linking your single threaded application?
I don't have a problem with that, except that it increases the size of
the build and the time taken. But its not a big issue as you can always
control whats done through the build system.

> The default build is single threaded, while there's also by default a
> Boost.Threads build, which is at least partially useless, because I
> can't use it together with boost libraries that require linking.
> Now that surprises me...

It shouldn't. But if the default was to build boost for both single and
MT, would that take away the surprise?


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