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From: Joaquín Mª López Muñoz (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-10 12:34:39

Here I go again. This is not a formal review request, but I feel
the library is finally in a reviewable state, so I'd like to invite you
to try it and comment on it. I've made my best effort to
incorporate all the suggestions from prior discussions, and the
package is finally fully documented and structured as the guidelines
for submission require.

To quote the docs:

"STL associative containers allow for retrieval of elements by a key
sorted according a comparison predicate. Boost.IndexedSet provides
a natural extension to this approach by means of indexed_set, which
accepts a compile-time list of sorting criteria or indices. This
proves useful in situations where programmers typically resort to manual

compositions of different containers, reducing the programming effort
and the probability of errors. indexed_set takes inspiration from basic
concepts arising in the theory of relational databases, though it is not

intended to provide a full-fledged relational database framework.
indexed_set integrates seamlessly into the STL container/algorithm
and features some extra capabilities regarding lookup operations which
useful extensions even for single-keyed containers."

* Tutorial contents:
  - Rationale
  - Namespace
  - Introduction
  - Unique and non-unique indices
  - Key extraction and non-standard comparison
  - Tagged indices
  - Special lookup operations
  - Updating
  - Projection of iterators
  - Complexity and exception safety
* Full reference documentation
* Extensive (hopefully) test suite, unix makefile provided.
* Some commented examples, unix makefile provided.
* Tested for MSVC++ 6.0sp5 and gcc 3.2 under cygwin.

I'm surely will do some polishing in the next days, but these
won't affect the overall strucure of the library. Hopefully,
the reference is complete enough to help you evaluate
the library.

Comments most welcome. Regards,

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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