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From: Daniel Wallin (dalwan01_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-27 18:01:29

At 23:15 2003-09-27, Howard Hinnant wrote:
>I'm looking for design guidelines for using boost::threads along with
>the singleton pattern. I'm not concerned with the threadsafe
>construction of the singleton. Rather I want to return a smart pointer
>to the singleton that also acts as a lock so that only one thread at a
>time can access the singleton.
>Is it just me, or is this much harder (and more expensive) than it needs
>to be? Am I missing some simpler, lighter weight solution?

Maybe I haven't fully understood the problem, but wouldn't this work:

   template<class T>
   class locked_ptr
      locked_ptr(T* p, boost::mutex& m)
         : m_p(p)
         , m_mutex(m)
         , m_lock(m)

      locked_ptr(const locked_ptr& x)
         : m_p(x.m_p)
         , m_mutex(x.m_mutex)
         , m_lock(x.m_mutex)

      T* operator->() const
         return m_p;

      T& operator*() const
         return *m_p;

      T* m_p;
      boost::mutex& m_mutex;
      boost::mutex::scoped_lock m_lock;

      void operator=(const locked_ptr&);

   locked_ptr<X> singleton()
      static boost::mutex m;
      static X x;

      return locked_ptr<X>(&x, m);

I guess it might not be efficient to lock every time the handle is copied
In that case, couldn't you allocate the scoped_lock dynamically and move it
when copying?

Daniel Wallin

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