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From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-30 05:23:45

> > No, SEH in the absense of C++ exceptions are just a longjump - no
> > stack unwinding takes place, the same with POSIX signals.
> This seems a little vaguely worded.
> Surely you mean "in the absence of C++ exception (catch) *handlers*",
> or something like that?
> I know that I can run a program that never throws a C++ exception, but
> raises an SEH, and there will be unwinding.

No, we're talking about compilers that don't support C++ exceptions at all
(embedded Visual C++ for example) - hence no unwinding no matter what else
may be going on. And yes it was badly worded :-)


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