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From: Joel de Guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-01 23:58:07

Arkadiy Vertleyb <vertleyb_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> "Joel de Guzman" <djowel_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> news:005001c38847$1993d480$450caccb_at_godzilla...
>>>> Is it possible to brake the for_each loop in MPL, and if not,
>>>> what is the prefferred way to achieve this effect?
>>> It sounds like for_each is the wrong algorithm for you. If
>>> compile-time, use mpl::find_if. If runtime, several of us have been
>>> thinking about a library of tuple algorithms, but we don't have
>>> anything comprehensive implemented yet, sorry.
>> I have one done already ;) It's based on the TR tuples implementation
>> in the sand-box. I'll post the details very soon.
> Is it targeted to work with boost::tuple?

It *is* boost tuple. Jaakko and I worked on it. It is based on Jaakko's
TR1 proposal. The new tuples implementation overcomes the problems
and limitations of the current boost tuples. Recently, I added iterators,
sequences and algorithms, such that it is very similar in structure to MPL,
except that it works on the twilight zone between compile time and runtime.

Joel de Guzman

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