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From: Eric Friedman (ebf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-28 15:01:33

E. Gladyshev wrote:

> struct visitor
> {
> template< typename T >
> operator()( T& x )
> {
> x.f();
> };
> operator()( boost::empty& ) {}
> };
> It becames even more interesting for binary visitors.
> All your visitors will need boost::empty overloads
> and you would have to make sure that you are not
> using types any other non-throw types to do
> the optimization trick.
> struct visitor
> {
> template< typename T, typename U >
> operator()( T& x, U& u )
> {
> x.f( u ); //general function
> };
> //optimization stuff
> template<typename U> operator()( boost::empty&, U& );
> template<typename T> operator()( T&, boost::empty& );
> void operator()( boost::empty&, boost::empty& );
> };
> I guess I can live with it for now.

Yes, the idea of not allowing singular state is that the user is forced
to deal with the possibility that the variant contains boost::empty.

If you really wanted, you could write something as follows (not tested):

   template <typename VisitorBase, typename T>
   struct cannot_visit
     : VisitorBase
     typedef typename VisitorBase::result_type result_type;

     result_type operator()(const T&) const
     { throw boost::bad_visit(); }

     template <typename U>
     result_type operator()(const T&, const U&) const
     { throw boost::bad_visit(); }

     template <typename U>
     result_type operator()(const U&, const T&) const
     { throw boost::bad_visit(); }

Which would then be used like this:

   struct my_visitor
     : cannot_visit<
           boost::static_visitor<R>, boost::empty
     using cannot_visit::operator();

     template <typename T>
     R operator()(const T& t)
       return t.f(); // or whatever

If this is found useful, I could even modify static_visitor to permit
the following syntax:

   struct my_visitor
     : static_visitor< R, cannot_visit<boost::empty> >
     using static_visitor::operator();



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