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From: Jesse Booher (jbooher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-06 08:35:23

Sorry if I offended you Mr. Little. Your unit library is a fine contribution to boost. I just pointed out the torque / work unit problem because it is a common area in which the proper units often get confused. At some point it would be a useful refinement to an already useful library if it were to support cases like this in which two different units reduce to the same fundamental units but which represent entirely different physical phenomena.

Jesse Booher

>>> "Andy Little" <andy_at_[hidden]> 01/05/04 12:16PM >>>

"Jesse Booher" <jbooher_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Andy Little wrote:
> >As far as dimensional analysis and units J is exactly equivalent to N.m
> >Therefore in calculations ie within the system there is no problem.
> >The problem only arises at output, where the programmer may wish to have
> >or J as the expression for the units.
> A Joule is quite specifically a measure of work, whereas a Newton-meter
is, by convention,
> a measure of torque. It would be inappropriate to add units of torque and
work together
> directly, even though both are technically a force distance product.

Sorry my lib doesnt quite manage to eliminate the programmer.

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