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From: Andy Little (andy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-09 02:01:45

"Dan W." <danw_at_[hidden]> wrote


> Back to the circuit layout CAD problem, combining millimeters and mils:
> If the library were to force conversions to one or the other, it would
> incurr cumulative errors in the non-default units system. I.e.: If we
> select millimeters as the default, and I have a long connector whose
> pins are spaced 50 mils apart, if I accumulate 50 mils many times, and
> each time it is converted to millimeters and then added to an
> accumulator, the error in each conversion is cumulative.

my lib makes a point of not changing si OR non-si units unnecessarily during

Andy Little

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